• The brain and body do not know the difference between real and fake laughter

  • Laughter promotes physical health and helps with chronic pain and migraines. Headaches and asthma sometimes disappear completely.

  • Laughter reduces negative emotions such as fear, disappointment, upset, sadness, guilt, nervousness, shame and misery by at least an estimated 27%.

  • Well after, laughter kickstarts endorphins that elevate mood instantly.

  • Stress and laughter are psychological, physiological opposites. Stress is associated with 90% of all illnesses and 80% of all prescribed drugs sold. They activate opposite branches of the autonomic nervous system.

  • Joy can be triggered by singing, dancing, playing or laughing. Simply imagining that you are laughing can trigger the release of happy hormones. An optimist laughs to forget - a pessimist forgets to laugh.

  • To achieve happiness we must have celebrations, preciousness of life, which is consciousness, bigger than life excitement, which is miracles and carefree attitude, which is peace.

  • Those in a study dealing with horribly tragic events reported that when they finally found some humor amidst the situation, it gave them hope and courage to continue living and it aided in their healing. Laughter serves as a protective cushion for emotions around a painful event, allowing it to remain in the conscious mind, yet within an emotional memory of joy rather than fear, pain or trauma.